
This place is a WIP

    Taken [ 01/03/19 ]

    Hello! My name is Vurple and Iam a self-taught artist! I enjoyplaying games, drawing, andhanging out in my free time.Check out my socials and clickaround to find out more!

    __Do NOT Interact__

    ★ Standard DNI criteria.
    [Racist, Sexist, Ableist, LGBTQ+ Phobic.]
    ★ If I have blocked you before on any site.
    [I have you blocked for a reason.]
    ★ Anti-Antis/Proshippers★ Support Pedophilia/Zoophilia★ Justifies sexualization/porn/nsfw of minors/underage fictional characters.★ Support Self-harm, Suicide, Rape, Abuse, and Incest.★ IRL gore is funny/send memes of/ect.
    [This doesn't include art/drawings.]
    ★ Support Animal Abuse.★ Say the hard "R"
    [I don't care if you can reclaim it, I am not fond of it. Just prefer if not said around me.]

    __Before You Interact__

    ★ I do have social anxiety so I might be really awkward or quiet depending how long I have known you.★ Sometimes I feel like being non-verbal/don't feel like talking. I promise it doesn't mean I don't like you!
    [Please respect this, don't pester me to talk/unmute. This doesn't go for texting.]
    ★ I can be very chaotic at times, mainly when I am with people I am comfortable with/have known for a long time. If I am too loud just politely ask me to calm down/be quieter! I promise I will understand.★ While I do like meeting new people if I suddenly seem to stop talking to you it's mostly because I tend to lose my urge to socialize and tend to cut myself off from socializing for long periods of time.

    Hello! Happy to see you're interested in a commission! Sadly, I currently don't have my commissions set up, nor do I take them! Keep a look out for the future as I do plan to one day start taking some! Also in the meantime take a look at my gallery![PS: The "Next" button isn't currently set up!]

    How to Contact me!

    Contact me VIA Discord!